Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bacon and eggs for church

Over the last few months we at church have been working through what it means to be church. This has led to many discussions but never as a combined church family. So this morning we had the discussion. Church this morning was breakfast church, it started with bacon, eggs, and toast, people got up and made any announcements when their mouths weren't otherwise occupied, and we sang some songs. Then we spent the next 1/2 hour in groups discussing questions about:
  1. What we appreciated about church,
  2. What we would change,
  3. If all barriers were removed what ministries would you like to be involved in and
  4. If church could look like anything what would it look like.

While the adults were doing this, I took the kids and young people outside and we answered the same questions. The answers of all the groups will be complied and then given back to the church as a springboard to grow from.

The kids and young people constantly amaze me with the level of outward focus they have, when asked what they would do if they had all the money and resources in the world, the answer was give it to the poor, when asked how we could make church better, I was told we need to advertise, and tell more people about Jesus, when asked what ministries we should have, what are needed , I was told we should have more family time, outdoor activities.

So much for the school kids, being, self absorbed, selfish and rejecting family. Now the challenge for is to very loosely harness the passion, focus for good and help them find ways of impacting the world around them. And then sit back and watch them soar. What a rush.

After this we then had pancakes for morning tea.

What a great morning of community.



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