Friday, May 26, 2006

Applying for jobs

Well, I have just submitted my first library job application in 7 years.

I haven't applied for a non-ministry job in a long time and it was interesting organizing my resume. How do you make 6 years church ministry look like you should be employed as a Library Assistant? What areas do you think can translate across?

I my pre-ministry life I was a Library Technician and this job looks like a good way to get my feet back in the water whilst seeing how things work out at church. It is only a casual position at the moment, but I will start applying for full - time positions in a little while. If I get this job it means I will have library experience I can use in applications which is less than 6 years old. yikes!

I believe God is in control of the situation but am getting close to wanting God to show what he has in store, not long term, just until the end of the year. I am trying to figure out why my call to church based ministry, my training, my work and life have been in so strong if it's just going to melt away over the next 12 months.

On a more positive note I am healthy again and am actually looking forward to working in libraries once more. I really enjoy watching people learn how to learn and discover new things.

Stay tuned to see where this little chook ends up



Unknown said...

This must be hard. We often want more information than we get, don't we?
My previous career was the same as yours, and when things looked iffy at Small Church, I wondered if after ten years out of the library I would be able to go back to it part-time in order to stay at the church. In my case, that didn't happen, and I hope for you that clarity will come soon, one way or the other.

JWD said...

Sounds like there is a lot going on beneath the surface. Blessings on your process of discernment.

Sally said...

I'll echo that jwd- Revem- praying that all works out ok for you
peace and blessings

Trev and Liz/Equals said...

Hi Emma.

Just thought - will you still attend the same church and are they hoping to be able to pay you later on or is this the end of the line ?

We have been in that situation before and after a time it improved and we were paid again. Eventually though, the small church syndrome kicked in and we looked for part-time work while staying there because we didn't feel called to another situation.

I'm positive that your years of training will not be wasted as God isn't a God of confusion and neve wastes a thing. It will be one of those "look back and see the picture things" Keeping you in prayer.....Liz