Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jesus studies at Veech Library

Over the last few weeks LB has come to work with me on a Thursday, he loves it, being the extrovert that he is.

He loves exploring the library for the little while before we open, he finds things and is often very excited when he sees something new.

A couple of weeks ago on one of these vists, my work was interupted by an extremely excited LB. Any forms of appropriate behaviour were completely forgotten as he came running up to me and exclaimed in a rather loud voice, with very big blue eyes,


When I asked him where he said over there pointing to one of the study carrels in the library.
I went over to see Jesus, hey, if he was here I had some questions I had been waiting 33 years to ask.

When I looked over I found one of our students, a Franciscan brother, in his brown tunic and sandals, along with his brown hair and beard.

A striking resemblance to Jesus especially for a 5 year old.

I couldn't bear to dash LB's experience.

So as far as he's concerned Jesus studies at the Veech Library, mummies work.




JWD said...

Where ever two or three are gathered...

What a great story!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you, and that Jesus is in the building!