Friday, March 31, 2006

I think I hit a nerve


I have never had so much interest in one of my blogs before the last one. I have had 45 visits and 14 comments and that's just today. It's been great hearing others stories.

This lead me to believe that I may have hit what seems to be a universal nerve for female clergy regardless of country, denomination, history, life experience etc.

I was going to ask why but I guess I probably know the answer, WE ARE DIFFERENT!!!! LOL and how wonderful that is.

There is so much we as women have to offer the church and community that is unique to us because we are female. I have often said that if I was ever to lead a ministry team (a woman is yet to do this here, but it will happen eventually) then I would ensure that there was a man on team.

Now the men nod knowingly making comments about authority, blah blah blah. My response to this is no, it's nothing about authority and everything about balance. Our congregations have both males and females in them and so the leadership should reflect this.

I have lost track of the number of times I have had a woman say it's great to finally share this with my pastor and then share about pregnancy, menopause, periods, mastitis, the benefit of cold cabbage leaves, their sex life etc. Some women had been carrying on without feeling they could share with their pastor because he had been male and would run or shift awkwardly when a woman talked about, shhhhh whisper women's issues.

We have so much to offer, in who we are and how we do things, in the role model we can be for our kids and in the diversity we offer both the faith community and the wider community.

We care differently, we preach differently, we lead differently, we train differently, we do church differently and why is this: join with me women and declare proudly

And for that I praise God everyday with my female sounding voice.
Bless all of you for the amazing individual gift each of you are from God


Anonymous said...

Thanks for opening the flood gates for us to share more than a few frustrations.
Like you I have found situations where people are glad to hear a female voice or see a female face.

Trev and Liz/Equals said...

Sometimes I feel embarassed that I'm a man and that being male may limit me being considered to be open and interested in issues that concern women. I'm not into power and authority leadership or relationships but rather prefer mutuality and shared personhood. My wife (Liz) says she feels most uncomfortable when speaking with men who appear more aware of her gender and act condescendingly rather than embracing her, and her opinions as valid. She feels like shouting, "Hey, I'm a person too you know."